Top Ten Female Superheroes That Fight For Good

Womens Day

It’s time to wake up. Change is long overdue. Girl Power!  International Women’s Day became official in March, 1911 with the support of over one million people who demanded the realization of women’s rights. March 8 is International Women's Day celebrated across the globe. It is a day to spread awareness among the people regarding women's rights and gender equality. This day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.  This historical day celebrates the achievements of women all across the world. International Women's Day marks a time to reflect on progress, celebrate the women in our lives and catalyze change.

On this day, it’s important to celebrate even more every woman in our lives and every woman that is changing the world for us. It’s time to give recognition to the women that are shaping the future in a positive way.

In my opinion women’s day should be every day. Who’s with me? To honor and celebrate this special day I’d love for you to meet some of the changemakers that we love. Here are our top female activists, brand founders, educators, consultants, and thought-leaders — by no means an exhaustive list — whose work and leadership in caring for the planet and its people is benefiting us all. It’s time to learn, unlearn, and take action.

  1. Climate Change Queen: Greta Thunberg

    Sustainable Fashion

    Greta is the living example of a warrior, and how with a big heart you can do great things. At only age 18, Greta
    is a Swedish environmental activist who is internationally known for demanding world leaders to fight against climate change

    It all started with her at age 15, standing alone in front of the Swedish Parliament demanding the government to help the planet. Now she is not alone, people around the world follow her and her movement, and now she is one of the biggest leaders in climate change. Recently, she was the head of a climate strike of more than 71 countries! Few people can do that, and we are proud that a woman achieved such an awesome accomplishment.

  2. Biotechnology Superhero: Miranda Wang

    Womens Day

    Speaking of helping out the environment, enters Miranda Wang. One of the most incredible women we know. 

    She found a way to modify plastic into renewable materials. Now, instead of having more plastic thrown to the sea or causing damage to the planet, we have new sustainable virgin materials! The world needs more people like her. Miranda even won the UN Environment Programme’s Young Champions of the World Award! Miranda and her company Novoloop are changing the way we recycle.

  3. Fearless Soul: Malala Yousafzai

    Sustainable Fashion

    By now, you should’ve heard from Malala, but if you haven’t don't worry! We’ll tell you why she is one of the most impressive women we know! She is a Pakistani activist known for her fight for human rights, especially when it comes to education for women and children in Pakistan. Back in her home country, the Taliban banned girls from going to school, Malala chose to stand against this violation of human rights and now her fight has grown into a worldwide movement. 

    Malala is now the leader of one of the greatest movements for women rights in the whole world. And not only that, she is the youngest nobel laureate! Learn more about her here.

  4. Sustainable Fashionista: Dechel Mckillian

    Sustainable Fashion

    Dechel Mckillian has had a pretty inspiring journey, for a decade she was the creative director and stylist of some of the biggest names in music such as Drake, The Black Eyed Peas, Nicki Minaj, and more. But then in a moment of revelation, she realized the negative impact fashion had on the planet, so she decided to make a change.

    Dechel started working with only sustainable and ethically made clothes, but after a while, she realized this wasn’t enough. She founded GalerieLa, a sustainable clothing brand that specializes in reducing the negative impact fashion has on the planet. Now she is known for being one of the leaders in sustainable fashion and doing the planet a better place to live.

  5. Beloved Fashion Icon: Coco Chanel

    Sustainable Fashion

    Coco Chanel is worldwide known for her amazing fashion designs and perfumes. But she wasn’t born with the money or people to make this happen, she had to fight for her dream.

    Chanel mother died when she was 12, then she was abandoned in an orphanage by her father. There she learned how to sew, and started making clothes for dolls as an escape. Years later she became the biggest icon in the fashion industry and one of the wealthiest women in the world, owning Chanel.

    She is an example of perseverance. She started with nothing and now, 50 years after her death, she is still the biggest feminine icon in the fashion industry.

  6. Lionhearted: Dr. Vandana Shiva

    Sustainable Fashion

    Dr. Vandana is an indian scholar, physicist, eco-feminist and anti-globalization author. There’s just something special about her that will make you fall in love. At 68 years old, she is the super hero against globalization and modified crops that the world needed. 

    Her fight is being followed by a lot of women who are fighting to make this world a better place, as she said, “We are either going to have a future where women lead the way to make peace with the Earth, or we are not going to have a human future at all.”

    Learn more about her and join her spirited movement here.

  7.  Labor Rights Activist: Aditi Mayer

    Sustainable Fashion

    Aditi Mayer had to be in this list of amazing women! She is a labor rights activist, sustainable fashion blogger and a speaker against environmental injustice. She started in 2014 standing against labor and nature exploitation, and now she is one of the lead voices in the sustainable industry. 

    She has worked with many people that are in the environmental and social justice cause, including Dr. Vandana Silva! Her works have reached many parts all around the world, and soon, she will be dedicating a year to document the social and environmental impacts of India’s fashion supply chain. 

    What an amazing person isn’t she? She was even called ‘The Future of Ethical Fashion’ by the University of California. You can visit her site If you want to read about her incredible blogs and learn more about how to make this planet a better place.

  8.  Water Warrior: Autumn Peltier

    Also called “Water Warrior,” Autumn Peltier is a Canadian indigenous water activist. Her journey started when she was only 8 years old, in an eye opener moment where she realized that not all people in Canada have clean water.

    When she was 13 years old, she spoke to the UN General Assembly, to address them about this problem and look for new sustainable solutions. She is one of the biggest Canadian activists, and she is determined to continue to spread the message how important it is to take care about the water. 

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  9.  Canadian Justice Trooper: Celine Seeman

    Celine Seeman is a Lebanese-Canadian designer and writer. Her life and relationship with fashion was shaped because of being born in Lebanon, a country that is constantly at war. Thanks to this she founded Slow Factory a non-profit company that fights for human rights and it’s an environmental justice institute. 

    Her company explores solutions that will help the planet, and also has an online school where they teach about social injustice, sustainable fashion and more!

    She is not only helping the world, but helping other people to see how big this problem is and how to tackle the problem. She is the example of leadership.

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  10.  The Living Voice of activism: Mikaela Loach.

    Mikaela Loach is a writer, who focuses on topics that the world needs to hear about. For example, she talks sustainability, refugee rights and intersectional activism. Through her Yikes! Podcast and her website, she breaks down what activism is, how to help and terms that people who want to get in the activism world may not understand. It’s an activism 101 for everyone to hear and be part of a community that will change the future. 

    She has been featured in BBC Magazine, ELLE Magazine, The Herald and more! She is spreading her good message all around the globe, making our sustainable community much bigger!

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    We hope you feel inspired by these amazing women! Here at The Good Tee we are more than happy to celebrate each one of them on this day and everyday. 

    Tell us in the comments about some of the women that inspire you!

    Sustainable Fashion- The Good Tee




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