Why Fair Trade?


Fair Trade Clothing

Fair Trade Certified

What Makes Fairtrade Unique?

Fairtrade is 50% Owned by Producers

Fairtrade works with a range of stakeholders but their global system is the only one that is 50% owned by producers representing farmer & worker organizations. With an equal voice, producers have a say in decision - making within the General Assembly & on Fairtrade's Board of Directors Including International and Canada, they are involved in decisions on overall strategy, use of resources & setting prices, premiums and standards.

Fairtrade Minimum Price

For most Fairtrade goods, there is a Fairtrade Minimum Price which is set to cover the cost of sustainable production for that product in that region. Payment of the Minimum Price is regularly audited and checked by FLOCERT. This acts as a vital safety net for farmers and workers and protects them from fluctuations in the market prices of the products they grow for a living.

Fairtrade Premium

Over and above the Fairtrade Minimum Price, the Fairtrade Premium is an additional sum of money which goes into a communal fund for workers & farmers to use - as they see fit - to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions. Producers determine what is most important to them; whether this is education, health care, improving their business or building infrastructure etc.

Safer for everyone

Minimized and safe use of agrochemicals, proper and safe management of waste, maintenance of soil fertility and water resources and no use of genetically modified organisms. Its production sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people by using natural processes rather than artificial inputs. They are not exposed to toxic chemicals in the field or through their food and water supply.

Why Organic Cotton?

Source: The Green Story