Eco-friendly Bag

Want to bring out the eco-warrior in you? Feeling it's too much work?  What if I told you that there are simple ways that require minimal effort to live a low-impact life? We got you good human!

You’ve heard of the saying, “every little bit counts.” Well, it really does! With every unused plastic bag from the grocery store, that’s one less plastic bag for companies to buy. Or every time you don’t let that water run, that’s a few milliliters of water that you’re saving. Now imagine if EVERYONE starts picking up these small eco-friendly habits. It’ll obviously make a HUGE impact. 

What does it mean to live a low-impact life?

Living a low-impact life means reducing the carbon footprint that is left behind every time you use or do something. You lessen the damage done to the environment by being considerate and responsible for the waste and resources that are required for your day-to-day living. 

Here are 8 habits to implement in your daily living!

1. Consciously grocery shop

The grocery store can be an intimidating place, especially if you are looking to avoid single-use plastics. Here are some ways to sustainably shop for food:

  • Shop at Local Co-ops or Farmer’s Markets – joining a local co-op has so many benefits, including access to mostly organic food, local and sustainable sourcing, transparent labeling, and knowledgeable staff. Farmer’s markets are great places to get organic, local, in-season produce as well and can help you shop low waste since most produce isn’t packaged (bring your own bags!)
  • Buy In-Season Produce –  the US imports produce from around the world when our farms are out of season for those items. Shipping has a large environmental impact, so learning the cadence of in-season produce will help you reduce the number of imported foods you buy.
  • Buy “Imperfect” Produce – Companies like Imperfect Foods and Misfits Market sell imperfect or “ugly” produce that can’t be sold at regular grocery stores. Nothing is wrong with these foods – they would normally be tossed because of cosmetic blemishes or food surplus.
  • Shop the Bulk Section – not only will you save money by buying in bulk, but you’ll reduce the amount of plastic in your transactions. Many shelf-stable everyday food items like oats, granola, nuts, rice, beans, chia seeds, etc., can be found in bulk bins. Some bulk sections will even carry toiletry refills such as shampoo, soap, and dish detergent! Once you have your reusable bulk containers (mason jars work perfectly!), shopping in bulk is incredibly easy.

2. Ditch the single-use plastic 

As it currently stands, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050, less than 30 years from now. We love that many grocery stores have been removing plastic bags from their stores completely and selling either paper bags or reusable grocery bags for their customers! Aside from using reusable bags, you can use reusable metal containers purchased from zero-waste shops. Support small and check out the many zero-waster shops across the country.

 Reusable Bag

3. Use plastic-free soap 

Non-plastic packaging soap like shampoo bars or package-free bar soaps prevents unnecessary plastic waste. These soaps are usually packed in a small recyclable box in bulk instead of each bar being individually wrapped. Many shampoo bars and bar soap lather just the same as a bottled soap would so don’t worry. It’ll still keep you fresh and clean!

 Plastic Free Soap

4. Eat less meat

Agriculture is a huge contributing factor to greenhouse gases. Methane, CO2, and nitrous oxide are released due to livestock farming and deforestation. We’re not saying to stop eating meat because let's be honest, it is indeed difficult to do so (props to you if you can!), but try eating less of it! For example, have a meatless Monday, or try using Impossible meat as a substitute. We heard it tastes just like real meat!

Livestock Farm Animals

5. Use your own reusable cups/bottle

We know how therapeutic morning coffee runs are, so why not feel even better knowing that you’re protecting the environment by using your own reusable cups? Many coffee shops like Starbucks also encourage customers to bring their own cups by giving them a discount. Another way to save on plastic waste is to bring your own reusable water bottle out instead of buying a plastic water bottle that will take years to decompose.

6. Say no to saran wrap and ziplock bags

Saran wrap and ziplock bags aren’t the only way to keep your food fresh. These single-use plastic add to the endless amount of plastic waste in landfills. There are many alternatives, such as reusable glass/silicone containers for any soups and usable beeswax wraps to pack your sandwiches for lunch. 

Check out Bee Kind Wraps for some cute beeswax wraps! 

Beeswax Wrap

7. Buy what you need

Last but not least, the easiest way to prevent overconsumption of clothes and/or food is to follow this golden rule of buying what you need. Shopping hauls are definitely fun, but it also encourages you to buy things that you don’t need or would use only once. When shopping for clothes, try not to shop from online stores that encourage you to buy more items to get free shipping. When you’re shopping for groceries, don’t buy food just because they’re on sale.

Remember always to ask yourself if what you’re planning to buy is a want or a need!

We are well aware that these habits are tough to pick up, but there are ways to make it easier! For example, hang your reusable bags by the door so that you won’t forget them for your next grocery trip. All of these habits can only begin with you taking that first step to implementing them into your routine. 

Join The Good Tee in our mission to save our Earth by adopting these sustainable habits today!

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